Yesterday between a touch of a self-induced head ache ;) and a long weekend of fun activities I went to get that little rascal to take her to her fav pub. We decided we would get burgers and fries. We both had on our skully hats and grins... I from the night before and her, who knows what she was up too. If you know my mom she is always up to something hilarious.
We got into a conversation about Christmas trees. I talked about the smell of the real tree in my home when I woke up in the morning and she said- I know that smell. It has been so long since I had a real tree, I may like one this year. I told her I would take her- to get one. She told me that a real tree was what she used to do when she was poor. When she made a little money she bought a fake tree. She said it took a long time for her to be able to buy a fake tree. She told me about all the trees she had... As I was sitting there I realized that in this women, who was born in 1938 there were stories that could make anyone cry or laugh. Her appreciation of being able to buy a fake tree blew me over. She said- When you have nothing and then you have something- you can really appreicaite it. I kept thinking about the book tuesdays with morrie. How a conversation could make your heart explode. Everyone talks about revelation and divine wisdom and being better and I was being run over by truth in a pub, with a skully hat and a hangover and through those little blue eyes that are always up to something, I was having a moment of clarity- a moment- that was simple " when you have nothing and then you have something you can really know you have something..." she was appreciating a fake tree, when most would complain about putting up a tree she was happy that she was able to afford one " one day"
You want to change your mindset? Try swallowing that- the humilitiy that came out of her floored me. I saw my mom in a rare moment share- something- that you can't get in books. She told me 'every great accomplishment is at first seen as impossible and when you have nothing- when you get something it's awesome.' I told her she was awesome.
When we went to pay the check, I noticed she was counting her cash- and she said- always give your best- I won't disclose the amount she tipped- but it was more than generous.
The Bartender and the Manager came over to say hi to her, wish her a happy thanksgiving and they knew all about me, about my job my cupcakes- and noting my parents come in a few times a week and how much they loved my parents. I began to tear up when i realized this beautiful person- is literally adored by everyoone she comes in contact with.
We left the pub and she said "take me by the trees and if I feel inspired we will get one" I took her by the trees and I will never forgot her little bright eyes- she said " that one christina, that's the one" So I illegally parked the mini van in a fire lane and I ran into walmart- I started to tear up like a little kid- and I said to this guy with a face full of tears " My Mom found the tree she wanted- could you please help me get it for her?" I mean I was a hot mess, the good hot mess. He said of course- and when he saw my mom's sparkly eyes- he was moved- and was humbled- we walked back in with the tag for the tree- didn't speak, but he was smiling...and I could tell he didn't want to charge me-
When he rang the tree, he said " no, that was marked as twenty- your not paying full price" and he said to me " your mom is pretty awesome" So I kept from hugging him and thanked him.
When I got back to the car, my mom said " this is so awesome." I said, it really is.
She smiled the whole way back to her house-
I haven't stopped smiling. Joy can be contagious, humility can change the outcome.
I had a burger at a Pub with my mom but I felt like I was at the ritz having a filet with the Queen of England.
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