Wednesday, November 3, 2010

the book skinny BIATCH

One of the wishes my mom has is that I start blogging and publishing and sharing my words. I have been slack-a-lacking... and I like it.

Let's talk about the Book "skinny B*&%^" that i am reading.

Who can recover from that kind of brutal honesty? I mean is this real? Why do we walk so blindly? Why do I even think what I think. If you read this book you mine as well kiss any cultural norms you learned and desire for much of anything that closely resembles food right out the window. Can you handle the truth?

I mean when someone says to me "stop being a moron and get skinny" i feel the need to react-

I also like the in your face approach- to move it along-

I think I will blog- as I am moving threw this book and diet and what kind of meals I can come up with and all that I am facing.
Maybe I will figure out a way to sneak in martinis.

Maybe some of you fools can join me? I blame my curiosity and need to read for this new endeavor. Darn over active mind.

I would like to add- I make tons of cupcakes all the time- and one of the chapters says sugar is the Devil. I am not 110 on board with anything- I just like little adventures and challenges along the way...

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