As life goes, I manage to not blog as much as I promise, I forget the sugar in the coffee and I always have some sort of hilarious adventure along with a touch of beautiful irony and fun.
My father mentioned the Blog this weekend and if you know me all that amazing person has to do is sneeze and I am at the store buying Kleenex... so... let's look at the Bucket list for 2011.
BUCKET LIST-2011 and counting
sigh.. now I have some new adventures to work on for 2011...
- get into the best possible shape- I want it to be so I can be beaten down in a knife fight and still survive, get into a scuffle with a shark and come out victorious... you know the type of concerns you can run into... on the day to day.
- take ownership of a wreckless abandon to the things that move me. for example, fun, laughter, banishing fear, being kind, giving to others, dancing when no one is watching, friendships, adventuring around in the mundane and the extra-oridnary... living a life of love. at the end of all of this, that will be the one thing friends and family could say... is that "she loved".
- drink snake blood in thailand.
- stop getting tattoos, maybe?
- drive a mini cooper in europe. (Why didn't I think of that when it was right there!)
- ride a cow in mykonos (i have seen them and been up close but never thought to ride one until just now=regret)
- go to ireland and sing pub songs in irish pubs and run thru the rolling green hills.
- publish and finish.
- ride train (s) across the U.S.A
- drive a race car.
- learn the lesson from my parents- that loving like today is the last day is the only way to live. until i saw this romance- i had no idea WHAT wreckless abandon to love looked like- they are an amazing couple, real soulmates.
- ride in a hot air ballon
- maybe sign up for cupcake wars
- go to a hot spring.
- stop wishing that vampire slayer was/is a real job.
- de-tach from my iphone for an hour a day, everyday not including sleepy time.
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