Sunday, November 7, 2010

the weekend as a vegan comes to an end.

it is so interesting to me how one area of your life can flourish like with business and success and new ideas and new challenges and an entire different area is treated with an un needed dose of apathy and the cup tips right over. it always and still is amazing me how people can claim to care for you but at the first test of this they show you a whole different ball game- and then they serve you with an indifference that just makes no sense. everyone you talk to after a surprising fall out I am sure could sing the same tune - shocking. I on the other hand tread very careful around how I treat people. I always take into consideration the other's heart.
I will never not do that, despite how I am treated. my life is evidence of that. i believe how you treat others shouldn't be swayed even if someone is being not as you would desire. I think it takes more dignity to be kind in the face of this than to turn to two wrongs. yes, it still hurts the same whether you cut someone down back or you don't. I say don't inflict hurt on them, even if they are hurting you. There is enough hurt in the world- try not to create excess if you can. enough on my moral thoughts from the weekend.

With that being said... I spent the entire weekend, catching up on helping my heart along and making cupcakes... helping the homeless and teaching first and second graders. I did the typical spend time with family, cry and then of course clean and shop. I have managed to organize everything that I own and sort FINALLY a large amount of clothes for women in need and then of course organize every article I have into three wonderful closets and two shoe closets. This week I start pushing very hard with the cupcake company and I have some other big things on my plate that I am looking forward too. I am catching up on my power point skills and getting ready to nail some huge things....

How did the skinny biatch diet go today? well, I lost my appetite completely so I didnt really need to stick to much of anything.

I am sure I will wake up hungry- until then- I am sticking to the skinny biatch vegan diet by not being hungry. I had a pomegranate fruit- so I won the skinny biatch book today-

Christina 1. skinny biatch book zero.

I hope all my friends and family had a better weekend than me and of course a better day than the beloved pats.

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