Friday, November 5, 2010

Day TWO of the skinny biatch and the "vegan" attempt

so.. today I woke up.. after an epiphany to grow a back bone, thank you kim and I had a craving for cookies. In the skinny biatch diet you can't have cookies. So i went to the cafe at my office building and looked for the cereal with the little cookies. I had already decided I wouldnt have a real cookie- I would have the fakies. I did not as you can guess find the cookie breakfast cereal I wanted i instead went for cinn. toast crunch with no fat milk. I didn't do what the book said, clearly but the milk loaded with sugar was worth it. I went the entire rainy friday with... coffee and powdered nonsense and for lunch I ate veggies and peanuts. By dinner I was bored and ate a salad and left over french fries (which i don't want to talk about those)

I went to a clothing swap and one of my friends who follows my blog had sent me a text " i have something for your skinny biatch efforts when you get here" and she did... when I got there beautfiful clothes were spread all over the house and she said " take whatever you want, all the girls are done" I found things to add to my closet that I had only dreamed of. Coats, shoes, pants- everything I saw resembled Mod and Preppy and of course romantic elements. I was in heaven. Then she said " for your efforts I have Vodka and Pelligrino"

Needless to say- day two I cheated on the milk and sugar covered cereal- But managed to stay MOSTLY to the skinny biatch diet. I haven't lost weight- But my body is reacting.
I feel random bursts of energy. I can't tell if this is because I have had much needed rest- or if it is because I am following these crazy health nut guidelines. Luckly I have not gotten to the section on alcohol. My guess is that my wine night is out and my martini affair may be called into question. I am pretty sure I am not going to like that chapter.

That is all for now, but early in the morning I head to New Hampshire. I am making more cupcakes than you would believe. My sister who is one of my heroes (all of my sisters are really) is a long time vegetarian. She will be excited to hear all about my new "vegan-like- with cookies and alcohol adventure" maybe she will send me home with some killer reciepes and I won't feel like such a dead beat. She has a way to make me feel like a sophisticated female-

My friend who is a very talented Visual artist will be in the Muppet Cupcake Factory with us for the day- and she will be shooting us for her portfolio. I am just so blessed to have so many talented and amazing people in my life... maybe I will make a cupcake in honor of this bastard book and upload a photo to my blog...

If I don't get skinny- I want my penny back that I paid for this book. Plus the 2.85$ in shipping and handling from amazon.

On an end note:
Skinny Biatch- you shouldn't take cookies away from anyone. No animals were harmed in the baking of cookies- try a life balance. My Dog eats cookies and loves them. I think the animals don't mind? But thanks for telling me what processed sugar can do to body- I could of done with out that information. But now that I have it... I am marked for life with the haunting thought.

I personally enjoy sugar highs and sugar crashes all in a day at the office. It brings a little excitement to the mundane.

Day three should be fun- I will be covered in a sea of sugar making things that taste sweet- all day long. Muppet cupcakes does not use egg- being sensitive to the vegetarian and health- reasons... but we certainly use sugar... because sugar is the best and makes everything a little bit nicer.

Till day three... and I am not hungry I am just so thirsty because I am eating awkward things like peanuts. It almosts makes you not want to eat. They are too salty. I may be what my mom likes to call "bastardizing" this skinny biatch diet... o well, I am trying something new and hard.

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