What does my legacy look like? asks my mother from her hospital bed. Why we have such moving conversations from the hospital is beyond me but it happens. She tends to like to ask me very deep things that stir me till I am up most of the night.
After this question, i got home from the hospital some time after midnight and went for a little cognac. what does my legacy looks like?
My legacy, I have looked at before.Sketched and lived out?What is my mission statement? Is that a legacy? are they different? what is this, purpose ? . . . or is it what i want to be left behind? IS a legacy living?
I have played with all those questions.
Here is my bottom line (s).
reject and cut the ties of medicocracy in your life.
be free to be who you are.
laugh at your own jokes.
find out who you are and do it on purpose.
take risks,lots of them.
if you fear man, you will never be able to be bold.
if you fail, more than once, you will learn the lessons that are needed to suceed.
let go of trying to figure out who you want to be what you want to do and focus on a simple purpose and misson statement for your life and do it.
don't take yourself to seriously. no one else is. mine is this: my legacy has facets of giving back,dreams,goals, fun activities and so on, helping orphans, making certain things a reality, so on and so forth.
but legacy- SIMPLE Version without all the hits and to-do's my written one is as follows:
live a life of relentless passion, fun, love, adventure,sacrafice and friendship. be of a singularity of mind to reject the ties of mediocracy and seek greatness. love deeply and give freely. be authentic and have a life that testifies to knowing who I am and where I am going and the I am loved, divinely. Go after my dreams and fear not.
*one thing i have found that helps with the fear not- is sitting in dragon pose, and pidegon, (on both legs) for 30-45 minutes straight and freaking out- once a week- usually sundays...will help you face extreme discomfort that will in turn help you get inside your fears, discomfort and all that jazz- and be able to overcome. love God with a wreckless abandon.
you sit in yourself- and face it- you can then move past it.
go and do something about being alive.
maybe even just laugh and appreciate the silly.